English translation for "sell goods on a commission basis"
- 代销产品
Related Translations:
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | To store and sell goods on a commission basis is a new purchase way adopted by an enterprise when it purchases goods for its manufacture demand in market economy 摘要代储代销是在市场经济条件下,需方为满足自身生产需要而采用的一种新的采购方式。 | | 2. | Fund drops a plan surely is the investment that shows it is certain to be in during inside , investor decides time , fixed amount with solid explain the business of the some fund product that buys a bank to sell goods on a commission basis 基金定投计划是指在一定的投资期间内,投资人以固定时间、固定金额申购银行代销的某支基金产品的业务。 | | 3. | Burgeoning growing fund is in those who pass a month when the rich below standard of gold of gain time base close after running , open formally since september 3 explain buy redemptive business , of this fund sell goods on a commission basis the orgnaization includes the construction bank , agriculture bank , medium travel , make travel , move travel , medium letter , light sends 9 banks and each large certificate dealer hair of big , riverside , greatly 博时基金旗下的博时新兴成长基金在经过一个月的封闭运作后,自9月3日起正式开放申购赎回业务,该基金的代销机构包括建行、农行、中行、交行、招行、中信、光大、浦发、深发九家银行及各大券商。 |
- Similar Words:
- "sell foreign" English translation, "sell forward" English translation, "sell goods" English translation, "sell goods at a high figure" English translation, "sell goods at high price" English translation, "sell goods on credit" English translation, "sell goods retail" English translation, "sell horse-meat as beef-steak" English translation, "sell illegally" English translation, "sell in bottles" English translation